Saturday, June 14, 2014

Day 19: Terradillos to Calzadilla de los Hermanilos

Since it was going to be so hot by 11:00, and there weren't going to be a lot of beds, my traveling buddies and I decided to leave at 5:00. It was the best decision that I have made. By the time we made it to the albergue, I was seeing heat waves.

There was a full moon when we made it really nice for walking in the dark. There were several people that walked during the night instead of the day due to the full moon.

The view was really nice...

We were coming upon Sahagun, and saw some neat finds...a bridge, a church, and some statues...

This city was interesting.....apparently there was a festival the night before, and was still going on at 8:00 in the morning. This was the time that I was glad that I wasn't walking alone. Several people were still drinking in the streets when I passed by. On a couple of occasions, some Spanish men tried to grab me (not to kidnap me) and speaking in a very forward manner...I quickly moved my arm (more like snatched it back)...I was really close to taking my poles and impelling them into those men.

I was so glad that we were out of that town in a few minutes...

We decided to take the Roman road for the next part of the trail. There was very little shade, but the view was wonderful. I did get my scare today when a large mouse ran out into the road almost onto my feet. I have seen them before (I'm walking in the wilderness, so it's expected), but on my thank you!

The heat had come in, so I was glad to be at the albergue. 

There was time to get lunch from the store...that was an interesting experience....there was a sweet old lady that was trying to carry on a conversation, but I had no idea what she was talking about. When she laughed, I laughed....she kept on talking. The man trying to serve us was an interesting little man too....he gave a taste of everything we wanted to buy. He was also making fun of the amount if food we were getting.

The town was so nice. The people there were so kind.

Got to have mass today because there was a priest there today. He is actually a pilgrim on the Camino. He gave a good homily...a much needed reminder. The town itself only has a priest come once a month.

This albergue had a kitchen, so it's Cuban rice for dinner (a traditonal Spanish dish that I had early on the Camino)...yes, I cooked it too ;) everyone thought it was yummy. Who knew that eggs, tomato sauce, and rice could be so yummy. Sorry...forgot to take a picture.

I ended the night with some feet care and time with the Lord (not at the same time). Bed time was early...making it another early start. 

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