Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 27: Villafranca to Laguna de Castilla

Today was the roughest day of the Camino. I got up at 4:30 to leave at 5--it was supposed to be a 31 kilometer day. I think it was that and then some.

I wanted to take the scenic was a lovely route with mountains. I started in the dark and it started to rain. Thankfully it didn't last long. The climb was longer and higher than stated in the guide book. There was a point when I was freaking out that I was lost, because it was taking so long and I didn't see anything. Luckily, I was dumped out at a city on the Camino! Yay! 

The view of this route was amazing! Even though the climb was hard, it was so worth it. I didn't take many pictures due to worrying that I was lost--finding the right way was more important. There was a time the air smelled just like the stuff the catholic church uses during their high masses. It was wonderful--a reminder that God's presence is always there. 

When I got to town, I ran into Father Anthony. Thank goodness! He called and made reservations at an albergue that was a town before the original destination. The last 10 kilometers was to be a steep, huge climb. So after doing a big climb first thing in the morning, stopping a little short was a good idea.

Some on the towns I passed through were so nice looking.

The further I got into the walk, the harder it got. I get hot so quick that it makes it difficult sometimes to climb the big hills/mountains. There were several breaks throughout the day. 

The last climb was no joke! It was about 7 kilometers of steep climbing. There was lots of praying that God would help me make it. When I finally made it, I looked at the view, and I was was magnificent.

The albergue that I stayed at was very nice. I have another one booked for tomorrow...bed bugs are starting to appear and I don't want those things! Paying a few extra euros for a super clean place is worth it!  

There wasn't anything to do since I was in the middle of nowhere. That was okay...I needed to rest. It is nice to be disconnected from everything. It forces us to look at ourselves more closely. Yes, it can be a little scary. 

The lovely priest that Ilene and I saw on the way was there too. The great thing about having a priest in the same albergue is that you will always have mass. We had Sunday mass (Corpus Christi) in our dorm room. During communion it started to rain....the laundry was outside. I had to run outside, hurry and grab the laundry. That's right Father Anthony, send the Protestant out to get the laundry. She can't take communion anyway. LOL.

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