Shortly after getting out of bed (getting out of the top bunk is no easy feat), I started hearing the roosters crowing. I guess it was really time to get up. Ha ha!
It wasn't a bad start to the morning really. Walking even before the birds start singing is very nice.
This was a small chapel on the edge of town.
When you are walking everyday for 5 to 6 hours, there are many things you do to pass the time. I usually start my day with prayer and will do so thoroughout the walk. However, there are times when I try amuse myself to help make those kilometers just pass on by since I am walking I started making up worship songs to Michael Jackson tunes. It was pretty funny if I do say so myself.
My feet have been holding up pretty good. I started putting some cream on my feet at night and stopping every so many hours. It has cut down on blisters immensely! I see other people with terrible feet, and all I can do is pray for has to hurt! One lady already had to stop her walk due to feet issues.
Today was the day for tulips. They were everywhere and very nice to look at.
Not only the tulips, but snow capped mountains. They made the view even better.
This the Cruz de los Valientes.
Just in case you want to read the plaque that went along with it.
Just as I try to amuse myself...someone else did the same. Thank you mystery person for the arrow made out of stones....
I passed several small towns today.
This is the town of Granoń
The church was looked so pretty.
I did find this gem when's a Jesus bread shop...I laughed when I saw it.
This is Redecilla del Camino...
This was at the beginning of the new district.
As a matter of fact, all the churches were locked. I guess they have a certain time that they open and I am just too early. I am really curious at what is inside them. They are never what you expect...they are always better. I could just sit and pray in them all day.
Catildelgado's church
The hills look especially amazing today. Don't know why, but they did.

The church. It was a little different from what I have been seeing. Parts of it are obviously newer than others.
The sun was starting to get really hot!
The hills up close to Belorado.
When I came into town, I started signing "Desperado" because of the town's name
This is where I stayed the night. It looks like someone's house. The owners are very nice.
Belorado apparently has a lot of history. This is the Santa Maria church which used to be part of a castle.
I found my place to pray for the day! I couldn't get the best pictures since they had the small chapels closed.
The San Pedro church (it was locked)
The plaza was very nice.
Look what I found at the market....
On the way back to the alburge, I saw some birds nesting on the church's steeple.
The wind today was crazy. As I was trying to pray at the church, the wind was making the shutters slam against the window so hard! I was afraid that the glass was going to break. On the didn't take that long for my clothes to dry.
Your photos are amazing! Your readers, including me, feel like we're on The Way with you! Buen Camino.